Sub-Project Implementations
 TargetSelectedPAC ApprovedUnder ConstructionCompleted
Total101 111 111 58 53
ERID  52 52 25 27
CRID  59 59 33 26
Irrigated Area (ha)
 TargetSelectedPAC ApprovedUnder ConstructionCompleted
Total13700 15677 15677 11253 4424
ERID  6936 6936 4272 2664
CRID  8741 8741 6981 1760
Average Cropping Intensity
 TargetBeforeEstimated AfterIncreaseActual After
Total40 172.5 207 34.5 NA
ERID  182.7 214.2 31.5 NA
CRID  164.6 201.3 36.7 NA
Water users Association(WUA)
 TargetRegisteredMOU signed>33% female officers representationO&M plan prepared
Total101 111 111 46 27
ERID  52 52 24 7
CRID  59 59 22 20
 PlannedActual as per SPPRCompleted ISPOngoing ISPISP to be started
Total115600 175236 58483 116753 0
ERID  72791 30038 42753 0
CRID  102445 28445 74000 0
Livelihood Enhancement Plan
 TargetDAGs formedNo Demonstration ActivitiesNo Participants% Female Participants
Total101 111 18003 21234 52.9
ERID  52 7071 8483 51.5
CRID  59 10932 12751 53.9
Agriculture Development Plan
 TargetOngoingNo Demonstration ActivitiesNo Participants% Female Participants
Total101 111 25897 35275 47
ERID  52 15732 14895 44.1
CRID  59 10165 20380 49.2